Shipping and returns
For orders over €200?
We are here for all your questions
Shipping and returns
For orders over €200?
We are here for all your questions
Shipping and returns
For orders over €200?
We are here for all your questions
Shipping and returns
For orders over €200?
We are here for all your questions
Shipping and returns
For orders over €200?
We are here for all your questions
Shipping and returns
For orders over €200?
We are here for all your questions
Shipping and returns
For orders over €200?
We are here for all your questions
Ova slip-on tunika za žene je praktična i dobro izgleda. Ženska tunika blago je krojena te stoga laska ženskoj figuri. U skladu sa zahtjevima koji se postavljaju pred radnu odjeću za njegu, ovu je tuniku vrlo lako održavati: Materijal ove ženske tunike prikladan je za iskuhavanje rublja i gotovo se ne gužva. Često pranje i nošenje tunike je moguće bez problema. Tkanina uvijek ostaje ugodno mekana i lagana na koži, što je osobito prednost ljeti.
Slip-on tunika za žene nudi mnogo prostora za pohranu osobnih stvari i radnih materijala: vaš sat, mobitel, olovke, rukavice ili stetoskop možete pohraniti u prsni džep i dva prostrana bočna džepa. Donji ušitak bočnih džepova daje više volumena. S ovim ženskim odijelom za njegu svi važni pribori su vam uvijek pri ruci. Raglan kroj omogućuje slobodno kretanje ruku tijekom rada, a da ženska tunika ne bude uska. Zbog blagog struka ženama s malo većim trbuhom preporučamo da naruče jedan broj više.
Upute za njegu:
We send the technical sheet and declaration of conformity upon customer's request. For a specific product, you need to specify its SKU
Contact us by email:
Sending by GLS implies fast and safe delivery of packages within defined standard delivery times. Packages in domestic transport usually arrive at their destination within 24 hours, and in international transport delivery times are generally between 24 and 96 hours.
Sending packages with GLS means fast and safe delivery with the possibility of prior e-mail or SMS notification and real-time package tracking in many EU countries. The second delivery attempt as well as the return of the package in case of non-delivery is free of charge.
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